Today is Saturday and the close of Module 3. But before we go, I'd like to address a question that was posed by Datta,"How did you know that you would be successful in an online course?" Well, when I initially started studying for my undergraduate degree, I wasn't sure if online classes would help me succeed. But as I ventured further into the distant learning process, I grew more confident in my abilities to be a successful student. To answer Datta's question directly, I don't think anyone can tell how successful they'll be with online learning, until they jump in and give it a try.
As for the discussions surrounding Dr. Bonk's article about the convergence of the Perfect e-storm, we all had different opinions on the benefits and disadvantages of this phenomenom. I can sum up one advantage with a saying that is used by realtors across America, "location,location,location." So how is this saying related to the Pefect e-storm? Well, the Perfect e-storm has totally eliminated the word 'location' from the distant learning equation, by making it possible for students to study anywhere, at anytime. Now, the only 'location' that really matters is the 'location' of the main campus where the distant learning courses are being offered. For sure, there has to be a physical 'location' for the main campus, or we could end up taking online courses from some place in a trailer park. What a tragedy that would be.On the other hand, the Perfect e-storm may have presented perfect e-headaches for financial aid officers everywhere, as they had to quickly develop new formulas for figuring how to meet the needs of the distant learner. Until next time, be good and drive safely.