As another week comes to a close, I can take a minute to pause and reflect on the past assignments that were presented in Module 2. We started the week by discussing and debating topics that were taken from the reading selections of Module 2. One article in particular, Weblog Case Study: Case study of weblog use in an online Rhetoric and Writing class by Wang, J. & Fang, Y. caught my attention, because of the manner in which the authors highlighted the benefits of cooperative learning in weblog networks. They provided some insightful food for thought with assertions such as this one, “According to Wenden (1991), autonomous learners are “self-confident learners” who believe in their ability to learn and to self-direct or manage their learning” (p. 53).” As my classmates and I discussed our contrasting viewpoints about the subject, a picture of mixed feelings began to emerge from the inner recesses of my overworked brain. In that picture, I saw where we could agree to disagree and still remain cordial towards one another. Hmm….what a groovy concept, I thought to myself. (Yeah, I’m bringing the word ‘groovy’ back.) But for now, it’s on to the next module as it will mark the midpoint in this class. Module 3 or the perfect e-Storm as it is listed in the ‘Content’ area of the class’s web site, promises to be a lot of fun. It opens with a reading that talks about the convergence of three storms in the e-learning world and continues with information about an upcoming midterm assessment. So until next time, I say be good and be useful.
Chris, isn't it wonderful the we can 'debate' online...I love that fact that it has ALWAYS been done with such etiquette in the 30 plus online grad courses that I've taught - can you imagine! So happy about that and happy that you can enjoy it and be a part of it, too.
Your blog is so refreshing and interesting!
Datta Kaur
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